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Quick guide to arranging fields on forms in Quickbase

adding color beginner fields forms how to Nov 07, 2018

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Proper organization of the fields on your forms can make them easier to use. Such as, grouping like fields into sections or tabs and using descriptive text in either alternate labels or text elements.

There are quite a few options when it comes to how you arrange your forms. When you're just starting out with Quickbase it can be helpful to know how to:

  • Add or remove fields
  • Move fields up or down
  • Place fields on the same row
  • Arrange labels above or beside fields
  • Add sections or tabs
  • Use alternate labels
  • Add 'instructional' text

In this quick tutorial, I'll walk you through the basics you need to know about arranging fields on your forms. The three steps you'll take are: 

  1. Open the form settings 
  2. Select the elements to arrange 
  3. Move the element or select the desired settings 

Now that's how you make a good look'n form!



In this tutorial, I mention the HTML/CSS Cheat Sheet. The cheat sheet has examples of how to format text using code. With this code, you can make text bold, larger, colored, and much more. Get the cheat sheet now.


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