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How to add images for picture perfect reports & forms in Quickbase

advanced formulas how to html incorporating images Jan 30, 2019

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Including images on your reports and forms can make it easier to identify records, preview attachments, and add visual impact. Using a Rich Text Formula field and a short line of HTML code I'll show you the ins and outs of adding images to your Quickbase Apps.

Plus you'll get a sneak peek at how I use images in my Content Management Quickbase.

There are several different ways you can add an image, picture, or photo to a Quickbase report or form.

Generally, they will fall into one of these three categories:

  • All records use the same image
  • Groups of records share an image
  • Every record has its own image

In this training, I'll walk you through several variations of the following steps for each different image category.

  1. Identify the URL for the image
  2. Create a new Rich Text Formula field
  3. Use the image tag to display the image using HTML code

NOTES: Remember to set the width (or height) of the image so that it doesn't overwhelm your form or report. Sizes between 30 - 100 pixels are best. Also, if the image does not need to be downloaded for another purpose, you may consider resizing it so it doesn't require as much storage space.

With a tiny bit of HTML code, your forms and reports will be ready for their close-up!

Want to learn more about using HTML in Quickbase?

The Quick Base Junkie HTML Formula Crash Course is a self-paced, online course that gradually building from basic to advanced. 

Through numerous examples, demonstrations, and exercises, you'll be able to harness a valuable new skill set. (Not to mention the enormous value you'll add to your apps.)

Learn more about the HTML Formula Crash Course or the HTML Course Bundle.


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Basic format:

"<img src='http://linktoimage.png' width='50'>"

Format with Field Reference:

"<img src='" & [My URL] "' width='50'>"

Format with Dynamic URL:

 var text URL = URLRoot() & "up/" & Dbid() & "/a/r" & [Record ID#] & "/e24/v0";
"<img src='" & $URL "' width='50'>"

Note that the 24 in the /e24/ above refers to the field ID of the attachment field where the image is located. You will need to adjust this to the field ID in your Quickbase.




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